Effective Schools: The Role of Culture in Student Achievement

students in a school classroom

Throughout most of the developed world, education has been considered a vital process for societal development. While success may not seem the same in each and every country and every culture, many people universally agree that the purpose of education is primarily to equip a child with two things: to become a successful, well-rounded adult and to prepare a person to function well in society. To do these goals, a person will need to learn, at varying levels, the fundamental concepts of reading, writing, and arithmetic. This article briefly covers some of the key elements involved in learning to read and write in order to prepare young minds for the future.

A number of decades ago, high school education was viewed as a privilege for the very elite. Since then, however, that has changed, with many students coming from disadvantaged backgrounds. Still, given the social and economic developments that have occurred throughout the developed world, there has been little change in the criteria that govern schools with regard to admission. The admission standards remain highly rigid, despite new developments that enable some students who otherwise would have been denied admittance to university or college to get a degree. In recent years, educators have been forced to reevaluate their approach to school culture, focusing almost immediately on students' behaviour in the classroom.

The prevailing educational theory now admits that behaviour is one of the most powerful forces shaping education. Thus, effective schools must be organized around an effective, orderly, cooperative, and respectful school climate. Parents and other adults in the home are important in creating this climate, but so too are the school administrators who are responsible for ensuring that it stays that way. One of the most effective ways to organize an orderly and respectful school climate is through what is called the organizational culture of a school.

The organizational culture of an institution may be defined as the shared values, beliefs, and actions that exist among its faculty, staff members, parents, and other students. These shared values and beliefs can vary from one student to another. But one thing in common: these must be demonstrated repeatedly to each student and applied consistently in order to promote student achievement. In fact, these behaviours are instrumental in generating student achievement in the first place.

Bookshelves in a Library

This is why effective schools must have consistent and routine culture. The same goes for teachers, who are supposed to teach and learn together in order to contribute to student achievement. A set of shared behaviours and practices must be established and enforced, which go far beyond mere classroom decorum. These behaviours and practices are then used to create an environment where learning can take place without fear of disruption or intervention.

One of the most effective practices to promote a school's organizational culture is to create a climate of trust and openness in which people can work together. Trust refers to the ability of people to respect each other's time and efforts. openness refers to a willingness to listen to and discuss ideas and concerns. Without the former, the latter is unlikely to occur. This kind of environment fosters open communication, which is essential for building a healthy culture.

But it takes more than a simple exchange of information and views to create this kind of culture. Teachers are supposed to adopt a set of attitudes in order to be able to contribute to the desired educational system. Consistency and reliability also play a key role. This is why it is important to develop the educational practice of encouraging staff members (including teachers) to share their own visions and feelings, as well as their personal goals for the school. Such personal and group discussions are meant to contribute to the overall well-being of staff members and students alike.

In sum, the goal of any educational system is to ensure that all students can reach their fullest potential. Educational practices may vary depending on the specific needs of each individual, but whatever the system is, it should seek to promote orderly and reliable processes through an inclusive educational environment. This is the only way to ensure that students can realize their full educational potentials. This is what an effective school's culture can contribute toward student achievement. The best way to achieve that goal is to create an environment that encourages and rewards constructive involvement and collaboration.

Role Models For Men Need to Be Respectful and Supportive

Parents are the first role models for their children

Role Models for Men are essential to the psychological makeup of a man. He cannot live a life without a strong support system from role models. A role model is defined as a living example of someone whom you look up to, and one that you admire. They provide a safe example of what success should look like for a man. Positive male role models do much to influence the lives of the young men looking up to them for guidance.

Healthy Masculinity And Healthy Father Figures. There are many negative role models out there, such as violence, poverty, pornography, anti-intellectualism, and other such deviant behaviours. These negative examples do not inspire young men, but rather teach them to become discouraged and even frightened by their own sexuality. But when it comes to healthy role models, such as positive role models from a family's history, young men can see a clear path to their own happiness and personal success.

The concept of masculinity is primarily linked to what a man considers to be his core identity - being masculine or having male characteristics. While it may be a core identity, that definition is fluid. For example, a boy who is terrified of the dark because his father was a car thief can identify with being a car thief in his subconscious mind. The problem with toxic masculinity is that it creates resistance to any sort of behaviour that would make a man more comfortable or at least meet the basic criteria of gender roles. Toxic masculinity also causes young boys to feel scared of themselves and thus refuse to take the advice of positive role models from a family's history.

Father and son

Creating A More Comfortable Place for Men To Role models for men need to be supportive and encouraging when it comes to letting go of their masculine identity. One way to do this is to give positive guidance towards healthy self-reflection. Instead of instructing a young boy how to identify with the mob mentality, for example, a positive role model would offer him a more comfortable way to understand himself. This could be learning to read musical notes, reading aloud, or playing his favourite sport. If a positive example of masculinity does not exist, then a young person can look to a more comfortable direction for understanding what he is and isn't.

Creating a More Comfortable Place for Men To Role models for young men need to be encouraging and supportive when it comes to letting go of their masculine identity. One way to do this is to give positive guidance towards healthy self-reflection. Instead of instructing a young boy how to identify with the mob mentality, for example, a positive male role model would offer him a more comfortable way to understand himself. This could be learning to read musical notes, reading aloud, or playing his favourite sport. If a positive example of masculinity does not exist, then a young man can look to a more comfortable direction for understanding what he is and isn't. This will probably result in a more comfortable identity.

Role Models for Men Are Not Constantly Downbeat There is an ongoing backlash against positive role models, particularly boys. Young men are constantly told by the media, public speakers, and other individuals that they are nothing more than sexual objects who need to be coddled and reassured. While it may be true that some young men do use inappropriate language and behaviour, it would be unfair to single out one gender as having it all wrong. It would also be unfair to paint all men with the same brush. While there are plenty of negative examples out there, it would also be unfair to make every male role model out to be a bad egg.

Mother teaching his son

Male Role Models for Men Need to Be Good People Those men that are role models for young men need to be people who treat them with respect, who listen to what they have to say, who value their opinions, and who have positive influences on their life. Unfortunately, many modern-day role models for young men do not live up to that ideal. Instead, many act like little more than annoying teenagers with nothing better to offer. These types of individuals often seek out negative outlets for feeling angry, depressed, and lonely. If they do not find positive role models in their lives that encourage and support them, they are likely to seek advice from people who offer advice, like those that write articles about raising boys and men.

Role Models for Men Should Have Specific Things in Common If you want to raise healthy and happy sons, you have to find positive role models for young men. They need to be people who treat them respectfully, who listen to what they have to say, who value their thoughts, and who have positive influences in their life. A modern-day boy who thinks of himself as being a "great" role model has an uphill battle ahead of him. Luckily, though, if he is raised in a home that values and respects his gender, he has the advantage of becoming a great example for all young men.

How to be Emotionally Well - The Power of Vulnerability

Emotional Tension arises when you keep your feelings to yourself

Power of Vulnerability is the ability to feel when others are vulnerable, the ability to recognize, own, and share our own vulnerabilities. As a psychotherapist, I teach clients how to identify their own emotional pain, shame, anger, guilt, and other feelings that keep us from loving fully or having compassionately intimate relationships. I call this a power "bounce back" from the pain and resistance of others. In other words, we are vulnerable when we refuse to feel shame or anger in the presence of others. When we have our own sense of suffering, it is not whom we are looking at or what is happening that matters but how we react or respond to it.

Those who practice Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) have the ability to turn their emotional shortcomings around by developing and maintaining healthy and positive emotions all around vulnerability. The beauty of EFT is the fact that it is gentle, safe, and effective. Emotions are powerful tools for change, and when you are able to manage your emotions you can make changes that lead towards empowerment. When you are around vulnerability and use EFT, you are able to experience powerful emotion, release negative energy, and find grace and happiness in sharing your feelings with others.

There are some times when we are least able to manage our emotions, and being vulnerable is one of those times. It is in these times that you must demonstrate your grace and happiness by stepping back from your vulnerability and choosing to act in a different way. Power of Vulnerability involves consciously choosing to act in a powerful and courageous way. In fact, when I use the metaphor of climbing a mountain, those who climb it are not just going up a mountain but are also ascending the mountain of their own emotions. So, when vulnerability arises, step back, examine your emotions, and find where you are failing.

For example, when I am feeling down or sad, I have this underlying sense of sadness and helplessness. This makes me feel like I am losing control. However, when I am vulnerable I am able to let go of those feelings and choose to instead be happy. In this situation, I gain control of my emotions. I am no longer reacting to my circumstances, instead, I am choosing to react to them. This takes courage because if I were not vulnerable I would simply keep on suffering from my emotions.


Vulnerability is also related to the concept of Shame. What is Shame? Shame is the idea that you are somehow less than everyone else. It is the belief that your worth is not equal to your actions. You have been conditioned with this shame and when you feel weak and guilty, you are letting yourself off the hook, and this causes you to be weak and guilty feelings.

The difference between vulnerability and Shame is that when you are vulnerable, you are taking small steps towards healing and change. You are working on yourself and making small changes so that you can heal. On the other hand, when you are in a place of Shame, you are letting go of your power and your ability to do anything about your emotions. You have given up your ability to control your emotions and you are allowing emotions to take control.

One of the things that the Emotional Freedom Technique, Covert Hypnosis, and Shame Resilience techniques teach us is that our emotions are a gift from God. We have been made with the ability to feel love and emotions at any time and anywhere. The shame vulnerability armour lets you tap into this unlimited resource and use it to uncover truths that will strengthen your innermost values. When you are living from these values, you are living a life filled with abundance, creativity, purpose, and peace. The wholehearted approach encourages you to be vulnerable and open to the emotional side of your life so that you can build a robust emotional strength that will allow you to live a life filled with happiness and love.

Being Vulnerable makes you happy

This emotional intelligence allows you to make better choices and connect with people on a deeper level. If you are looking for ways to overcome low self-esteem, you need to tap into your inner source of power and begin to feel comfortable and confident again. Living from your wholeheartedness means that you have let go of any need to control what goes on around you. Once you start to feel empowered and whole, you will be able to use your vulnerability armour to let go of feelings of shame and find peace and happiness.