Digital Distraction Cures: How to Reduce Your Digital Interference

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The use of mobile devices and smartphones is not a new phenomenon; in fact, it has been around for quite some time now. Today, these devices are an integral part of our lives. As we constantly interact with other people, attach ourselves to their devices, and as often miss out on in-person interactions, we are often losing out on the benefits of having real human contact.

This is why experts from the Center for Digital Distraction Research have coined the term Social Media Distraction. What exactly is Social Media Distraction? Simply put, this is when you become socially connected with your smartphone use and completely miss out on the real world. In fact, studies have shown that we are easily distracted by what we are doing on our cell phones; one recent study revealed that we get distracted when eating our favourite meal, or viewing some kind of interesting video on the phone.

So how does all of this relate to digital distraction? Consider that we used to have a television in our home. We would sit there, enjoy our show, and spend an hour or two catching up on the news. Then, as late as two in the afternoon, we could sit back and enjoy another show that was not quite as depressing as our previous one. When we wanted to stay up all night reading stories, we turned on the television or downloaded another app that provided us with entertainment.

People love phone more than people

There is nothing wrong with this. After all, it is supposed to be a distraction. However, with the rise of so many apps over the last few years, we are forced to multitask. Now, instead of catching up with friends on their iPhones, we are forced to use multiple apps at once. This not only increases the amount of digital distraction but also reduces the amount of time we have available to be productive.

Notifications are one of the biggest sources of digital distraction. Let's say you have five notifications on your iPhone, all telling you to do something. You might spend a few minutes reading these messages before you check your email or reply to one. However, if you had chosen to ignore all of those notifications, you would have spent those five minutes reading and replying to emails, or perhaps setting up a new appointment. If you are like most people, however, you read your notifications at work. When these notifications from work pile up and you have less time, you end up missing work and wasting hours of valuable work hours catching up on your tasks, just to resolve a single error on your social media page.

Digital distraction doesn't even have to come in the form of an email in most cases. Text messaging is another huge source of digital distraction. Most people will check their mobile phone when they receive a text message. When they receive another text message with a subject similar to the one they sent earlier, they get distracted again and may miss their original message. A quick trick to keep from being distracted by text messaging while you work is to set aside a specific time each day to send a unique message. You can then dedicate that time to one task such as checking your Facebook or Twitter for the day or checking an app on your phone.

People Take photos of Food to post online

Yet another source of digital distraction is your push notifications. These notifications, which come from several different services including Apple, Gmail, Google, Facebook, and several others, can quickly become a source of digital distraction if you are constantly receiving these. Push notifications sometimes come with exciting news stories or announcements of various sales and offers. While you may really want to take advantage of these offers, you may end up ignoring them and diverting your attention from the tasks at hand. If you have a dedicated task list on your phone, pulling out your smartphone to check your notifications can easily lead to diverting your attention away from what you should be working on.

Fortunately, there is a way to both handle your notifications and keep your brain healthy by using the dopamine reward system. Dopamine is present in the brain and helps us focus. When we are actively paying attention to something, we are more likely to focus on that task and make it a priority. The challenge is that our constant pushes and pulls from social media can make it difficult to focus on one thing for any length of time, leading to a great deal of distraction.

Great Dating Advice For Introverts

An Introvert is good at hiding in social situations

The big problem with most men is that they are far too inhibited and shy to engage in a dialogue about what they really want out of life. Unfortunately, a lot of the dating advice columns, dating websites, and dating sites for lonely men to give women advice on how to deal with introverted men. Women advise women on how to make men like them by being sociable, having lots of hobbies and friends, dressing well, and so forth. It is a wonder any woman can get through life with such rigidity, especially when the world is going through as much as it is these days. A better way to handle the introverted man is to have confidence in yourself and be comfortable with your own sexuality, but not to become overly self-conscious about showing off your curves or being a fun-loving chameleon.

Women are attracted to extroverts and will often seek a man with an outgoing personality and personal growth. This may not work out, but it is a risk the woman takes. If you are seeking relationship advice, the best advice is to develop your personal growth and try to develop a sense of humour and independence. An introvert does not necessarily mean you will never be able to attract women, but it does mean that if you are not willing to take that leap and do what is necessary for personal growth, you may never find the women that are right for you.

Relationships build on opening-up

The best dating advice for men who are introverts may tell you that you need to do something to help yourself loosen up a bit. Many women love the idea of being able to say that they were the ones who made the first move because they are intrigued with the idea of dating an introvert. The best dating advice for men who are introverts will tell you that there is nothing wrong with being introverted, as long as you know how to handle it and that you have the courage to walk on this path alone. If you do not feel comfortable doing things on your own, it may be best to seek the help of others who are also going through the same situation.

Another part of great dating advice for men who are introverts is for them to look for their ideal partner within themselves instead of looking to other people. A lot of women do this and they do not know why. They feel like they cannot possibly have an ideal partner because they are too outgoing and want to put themselves at the top of the social ladder. This is not true and if you can determine what you want in life and develop a plan to get it, you will be able to have your ideal partner. The only thing that is holding you back is yourself and if you are able to take this necessary step forward, you can find the girl of your dreams.

Meeting new people is crucial

Another great piece of dating advice for men who are introverts is to realize that the only reason that you are not finding the ideal partner is that you are not looking in the right places. Women are very visual and they need to have someone that they can visually fall in love with. This does not mean that they are only attracted to physical appearance. They are also attracted to personality and inner qualities as well. If you can learn how to display your inner passions, you will be able to attract the woman of your dreams.

One last piece of great dating advice for introverts is to be accepting of who they are. You need to believe in yourself and realize that you do not possess all of the answers to getting into a relationship. There will be times when you will doubt yourself and this is something to be afraid of. The more you accept who you are and what you have to offer, the better chance you will have in finding the person that is perfect for you.